EMC2-DP HDMI in HDMI out Platform


This application note provides description of UTIA HDMI in HDMI out video demonstrator based on Sundance EMC2-DP carrier, Trenz System on Module SoM based on Xilinx Zynq and Avnet FMC extension card. The text describes standalone and Petalinux solutions.

The HDMI in HDMI out video platform consists of the following components:

  • Hardware built from Sundance EMC2-DP v2 carrier board, FPGA SoM Trenz TE0715-7030 and FMC IMAGEON extension card.
  • Xilinx Vivado 2015.4 HW description file.
  • Xilinx SDK workspace with HDMI in HDMI out application.
  • Petalinux 2015.4 sources with BSP file prepared for the Vivado 2015.4 design.
  • Precompiled SD card files for platform quick test.

The demonstrator provides standalone and Petalinux version of HDMI in HDMI out SW example. Both of them require Xilinx SDK 2015.4 tool to compile and debug them. The example is a simple video pass through demo using 3 frame buffers located in DDR3 memory.

See Sections 8 of this application note for specification of deliverables and license details.

Package Summary

Title EMC2-DP HDMI in HDMI out Platform
Filename emc2-dp-platform-v2.zip
License emc2-hio-appnote-v2.pdf for licensing conditions.
Package content ZIP archive with Vivado 2015.4 projects demonstrating EMC2-DP HDMI in HDMI out Platform for standalone and Linux targets.
Size ZIP file: 15425638 Bytes
PDF file: 885554 Bytes
Required tools
& platform
Xilinx Vivado 2015.4, Xilinx SDK 2015.4
Installation notes See application note

Result Category

Project number RIV category Comment
7H14005 Gfunk Functional sample (demo)

Contact Person

Please, do not hesitate to contact Jiri Kadlec to obtain more information.